The Middle Ages

The Black Death


The Black death was a deadly plauge that swept through Europe between 1347 and 1351. The plague originally came from Central and Eastern Asia. Unknowingly traders brought rats carrying the disease to Mediterranean ports in 1347. From there it spread quickly throughout Europe. The plague was passed to people from fleas that feasted on the blood of infected rats. The Black Death was caused by many different kinds of plague. On e form called the Bubonic Plague could be identified by swellings called buboes that appeared on the victims' bodies. Another deadly from of the plague could be spread throught the air and could kill in less than a day. The Black Death killed many people and they were buried quickly with out ceremonies. In some places people fled away as their neighbors became sick. One Thousand villages were abandonned in England. Some Historians think that Europe lost more than about a third of its population. Probably killing about 25 million people. In most places the Manor System fell apart completely. Ther were not enough people left to work in the fields. The peasants and serfs who had survived the plauge found their skills in high demand. No they could demand higher wages for their labor. Once they had money, many people fled their manors moving to Europe's growing cities instead.


The rat was not the main cause of the Black Plague. The vector was the flea that lived among the rats and killed so many people. A vector is an animal or insect that carries or transports a disease. The flea had infected the rats and then went on to the humans. Many people thought that the rats were the cause but they were wrong.